Everyone is aging, However, at a certain time in our lives, we may start struggling with aging. Are you or your parents struggling with aging? Or are you a caregiver helping a loved one at home or in a nursing home? Maybe you a church-leader (pastor, elder or deacon) giving pastoral care to aging congregants who need pastoral care. When people age, a lot of things may change physically as well as in a material sense and also mentally people change when aging. The Word and Spirit Institute, together with Connecting Streams, is organizing an interactive conference with the aim to discuss issues around pastoral care for our aging loved ones and their caregivers and support caregivers with their potential struggles.
Registration 8:30; conference 9:00-3:00
Session 1: Pastoral Care and Support for Aging Loved Ones (Rev Matthew VanLuik)
Session 2: Pastoral Care and Support for Caregivers (Dr. Tom McCormick and Caregivers)
Session 3: Issues relating to Grieving, Death and Dying (Rick Ludwig)