The Word and Spirit Institute is offering certificate courses in
The Church Leadership program is a certificate program designed to further encourage and equip anyone for leadership roles in the church. Leaders in the church need to have confidence that they can provide the leadership to which the Lord calls them. The Holy Spirit gives wisdom, which is developed through training/education and experience. There are many diverse areas in which leaders are expected to give leadership, and therefore this certificate program is designed to identify different areas of leadership and give leaders the tools to develop their skills with regard to such areas as worship, prayer, bible studies, devotional gatherings, small groups, etc. Students who complete this program may add to their qualifications for the call to become an elder or deacon, teaching roles in the Church (catechism, youth groups, small groups, Bible study leaders, mission and outreach, ministry for the aging etc.) as well as serving on committees in the Church and community.
A healthy and vibrant Church needs strong spiritual leadership. Church leaders are expected to direct the spiritual growth of the congregation. Ministers in the church receive specific and thorough theological training in to order to lead God’s people through the preaching of the gospel, teaching the youth and giving pastoral guidance to the members. Other church leaders often do not have an extended training to prepare them for their leadership role in the church. Moreover, today more is expected from the leadership in the church, as they are often faced with challenging situations and must give guidance in a time when scriptural teachings are being challenged by society, which often influences the thinking of members of the church. Leaders in the church need to have confidence that they can provide the leadership to which the Lord calls them. The certificate program in Church Leadership provides training for those who feel the need to help develop further skills needed in God’s Kingdom work.
the coloured lines link to more information about the courses; these courses have been taught previously or will be taught shortly. Each course can be repeated when enough students have registered)
Church Leadership training
- Theology of Church Leadership
- Home Visitation
- Church Discipline
- Church Polity 101: An Introduction to Reformed Church Government
- Diaconal Ministry
- Principles and Practices of Pastoral Care
- Conflict Resolution
- Ministry for the Aging
Enhancing Congregation life
- Primer on Reformed Doctrine
- Church Liturgy
- Supervision of Worship
- Dynamics of Spiritual Growth (Individual and Congregational)
- Teaching catechism/Sunday School/Vacation Bible School
- Small Group Ministry -Youth, Elderly, Small groups, Bible study groups
- Promoting evangelism
- World Religions
Current elders and deacons
Equip young men for Church offices
Those who seek to give spiritual support to others
Ministry group leaders (Bible study/youth group/small group leaders etc)
Catechism teachers
Members involved in home mission and outreach programs
Committee members
Members of school boards and other leadership committees organized by the church community
Students Who Complete this Certificate in Church Leadership Will Be Able to
Develop and present a biblical & theological foundation for leadership in the Church
Gain a deeper understanding of the personal and spiritual needs of God’s people and learn to respond appropriately to those needs.
Gain skills to minister to God’s people in areas of visitation, counseling, edification, outreach and evangelism, etc.
Gain skills to promote the gospel in and outside the church and develop skills for mission and outreach
Become more effective at promoting spiritual growth in the congregation
Gain leadership skills with regard to such areas as worship, prayer, bible studies, devotional gatherings, small groups, etc.
Develop an understanding of Church government, and interpersonal skills at ecclesiastical meetings
Gain mentoring skills to help others in the church and outside the church
Various instructors will be invited for the courses. All instructors are well versed in Reformed Theology and are all experts in their field. Many instructors are ordained ministers, councilors or chaplains.
Eight (8) courses are required to graduate from the program (or if desired, individual courses can be taken as stand alone/individual courses).
Each course will be finished in approximately 6-8 weeks.
This is a non-academic program; no previous degree is required for the certificate level; post-secondary options (B.A. and M.A.) are available; see below
Each course is designed to stand alone and can be taken as an individual course.
Courses will be offered as online sessions of 2-3 hours each instead of the full day conference (Previously, our courses were taught as one 6-8 hour conference)
100 pages of assigned reading
10 hours of practical application
One short written report
A debriefing session
Students who wish to do a Bachelors or Masters level of study have to have a valid high school and/or a B.A. diploma and are required to register with the Miami Institute or Theological Studies (MINTS) via the Word and Spirit Institute.
Additional class time, reading assignments, a final course paper and an exam are required for a Bachelors or Masters level of study. In order to receive a B.A or M.A. diploma, additional courses via MINTS are required.
Certificate level or auditing the course $100.00/course
Bachelor level $125.00/course
Masters level $150.00/course
Please e-mail for more information and/or to register