Our Mission

To help those seeking to experience personal spiritual growth and develop skills in the study and application of scripture by providing Reformed theological training.

Our Vision

The Word and Spirit Institute will provide theological instruction at a Certificate and at a Post-Secondary level; for certificate courses, no previous diploma is required; for courses at a bachelor’s Level, a High School Diploma or equivalent and for courses at the master’s Level, a B.A. Diploma or equivalent is required.

The Institute follows the MINTS model of flexibility and affordability.


All instruction will be based on the Bible as the infallible Word of God. All instruction will be in agreement with the Reformed faith as expressed in the Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed) and the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort, Heidelberg Catechism).

Core Values

  • To serve a community of learners with solid and faithful biblical instruction

  • To encourage spiritual growth

  • To develop spiritual skills for one’s life and vocation

  • To maintain high academic standards while being flexible with regards to the needs of specific students

  • To promote the Reformed heritage in the GTA and beyond

  • To provide accessibility through flexibility and affordability